{{indexingdisabled}} Holiday Sale Guide - Capel, Richard


  1. [Boutet, Claude]
  2. [Dodsley, Robert (ed.)]
  3. [Froissart, Jean and Monstrelet, Enguerrand de]
  4. [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold]
  5. [Grant, Mrs. Anne McV]
  6. [Juliis, Joseph de]
  7. [Lamarche-Vadel, Bernard]
  8. [Sherer, Joseph Moyle]
  9. [Tickell, Richard]
  10. [Zacharie, de Lisieux, pere]
  11. Albers, Anni
  12. Anacreon and Sappho
  13. Aristotle
  14. Armitage, Merle
  15. Bacon, Sir Francis
  16. Ball, Isaac
  17. Beck, Melissa (comp.)
  18. Bell, Sir Charles
  19. Bigland, John
  20. Bourdon, David
  21. Brantome, Pierre de Bourdeille, Sieur de
  22. Brieger, Lothar
  23. Brongers, Georg A
  24. Brown, F. Martin and Bernard Heinemman
  25. Butler, Samuel
  26. Bynaeus, Anthony
  27. Byrom, John
  28. Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord
  29. Cabanne, Pierre
  30. Capel, Richard
  31. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
  32. Curtis, Mattoon M
  33. Delafield, John, Jr
  34. Diehl, Edith
  35. Durling, Richard J. (compiler). A
  36. Eckel, John C
  37. Fagg, William
  38. Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe.
  39. Fossati, Jean-Antoine-Laurent
  40. Freind, John
  41. Gant, Roland
  42. Garroway, Will
  43. Gilpin, William
  44. Grass, Günter
  45. Gray, Thomas
  46. Greenewalt, Crawford H
  47. Guerra, Francisco
  48. Guiart, Jean
  49. Hamilton, Lady Anne
  50. Harris, Elizabeth M.
  51. Helms, Ludvig Verner
  52. Hey, Richard
  53. Hole, Richard
  54. Hood, Thomas
  55. Hornbeck, Robert
  56. Irving, Washington
  57. Jackson, John
  58. Lewis, Oscar
  59. MacInnes, C.M.
  60. Melville, Robert
  61. Montherlant, Henry de
  62. Morris, Henry
  63. Murray, John
  64. No author
  65. No author
  66. No author
  67. No author
  68. Parke, Uriah
  69. Peck, George W
  70. Phelps, Frank and Gordy Sabine (compilers).
  71. Pindar
  72. Pott, Percivall
  73. Proost & Brandt, firm
  74. Ruskin, John
  75. Russell, Richard (ed.)
  76. Sadleir, Richard
  77. Sang, Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang
  78. Schmitz, Anne-Marie
  79. Scott, Sir Walter
  80. Scott, Sir Walter
  81. Secco Suardo Grismondi, Paolina
  82. Spence, Joseph
  83. Sprake, Austin
  84. Stendahl Art Galleries
  85. Stevenson, Robert Louis
  86. Stewart, Dugald
  87. Taylor, Thomas (translator)
  88. Thicknesse, Philip
  89. Toscano, Salvador
  90. Tytler, Patrick Fraser
  91. Veronelli, Luigi
  92. Vida, Marco Girolamo (or Vida, Marcus Hieronymus)
  93. Wakeman, Geoffrey
  94. Walker, George
  95. Walker, George
  96. Waters, W. G. (trans.)
  97. Welch, d’Alte A.
  98. White, Gerald T
  99. White, Joseph
  100. Wolf, Edwin II (comp.)
  101. Additional Offerings
  102. Stay Updated
  103. Terms and Conditions
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